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61st IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings - August 20-25, 1995

Round Table on Continuing Professional Education

Annual Report 1994

Patricia Oyler
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Simmons College
300 The Fenway,
Boston, Massachusetts 02115-5898
Fax: (1-607) 2374875
is Chair of the Round Table on Continuing Professional Education.

Thelma H. Tate

Mable Smith Douglass Library
Rutgers University
POB 270
Chapel Drive
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903
Fax: (1-908) 9326777
e-mail: tate@zodiac.rutgers.edu
is provisional Secretary.


World Conference

The Executive Committee, meeting in Havana, decided that the next CPERT conference will be the Third International Conference on Continuing Professional Education, to be held in 1997 as a satellite m eeting to the 1997 IFLA Conference in Copenhagen. Discussions to have this conference co-sponsored by the Royal School of Librarianship in Copenhagen are continuing.

Recommendations from the 2nd World Conference

Work was begun on the recommendations from the Second World Conference, held in Barcelona in 1993. A priority item deals with research and development of a state-of-the-art paper for the Third World Conference. A proposal for a feasibility study was prepared by CPERT and approved for funding as a small project for 1995. The study will set parameters for the state-of-the-art paper, research for w hich will begin following the Istanbul Conference. Elizabeth Stone (USA) former Chair of the Round Table, will spearhead the feasibility study. The format of the study will be that of a pathfinder. I t will: 1) provide definitions to be used in research for the state-of-the-art paper; 2) explain the scope of research to be done; 3) identify disciplines to be included/excluded in the project; 4) i dentify types and samples of sources to be used in research; and 6) make any other appropriate recommendations deemed necessary or useful in establishing a framework within which the state-of-the-art paper will be prepared. Round Table members will assist by conducting online literature searches in specific databases.

Future Conferences

Istanbul 1995

The theme selected for the 1995 programme is "Library Support for Graduates throughout their Careers". The structure of the programme will consist of a panel of speakers with a moderator, with short 10-15 minute presentations.

Beijing 1996

"Client-Centred Approach: Implications for Continuing Education" is the theme for the 1996 Round Table programme.

Havana Meeting

The Round Table's open meeting included an oral report by Thelma Tate on the work of the Round Table. No papers were formally presented.