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61st IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings - August 20-25, 1995

Section on Cataloguing

Annual Report 1994

Olivia Madison
102B Parks Library
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011-2140
Fax (1-515) 2941885
e-mail: jl.omm@iastate.edu
is Chair of the Section on Cataloguing.

Suzanne Jouguelet

Bibliothèque de l'Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique
29 rue d'Ulm
75230 Paris, Cedex 05
Fax: (33-1) 435 43201
is Secretary.

Standing Committee and Membership

The Standing Committee has 17 members from 10 countries, plus three corresponding members. Section registration stands at 139. During the Havana Conference the Standing Committee approved the additio n of a new corresponding member, N. Kasparova of Russia, and an honorary member, John Byrum of the United States.


Anonymous Classics

Inger Cathrine Spangen (Norway), Nadine Boddaert and Assumpcio Estivill (Spain) are the Section's members on the Working Group that will coordinate the development of a new edition of Anonymous Cl assics. The work will be produced as quickly as possible since the current edition is out of print. The work will be carried out in two phases. The first step will be to revise the current editio n with the known existing revisions and any others that might be obtained. European national libraries and/or cataloguing committees that might be considered appropriate authorities for the literatur es listed in the existing publication, will be contacted and asked to check the current text. The task force will develop instructions for types of work to be included (work originally published in t he language in question, local versions (variants) of works originally published in another language, etc.) to ensure consistency. The second step will involve preparing new sections for anonymous cl assics from those literatures (countries) not currently represented. This step might also include additions or changes for literatures covered under step one that would be of value. The Standing Comm ittee is seeking additional sources for funding the project.

Names of Persons

It is now 17 years since the publication of the 3rd edition of this title, years which have seen the publication of new cataloguing rules for some countries, and new editions of existing roles for ot hers, and the acceptance of many new countries into the international bibliographic community. A feasibility study for a revised edition was conducted by Françoise Bourdon (France) and her rep ort was considered at the Workshop on the Revision of Names of Persons held at the IFLA Conference in Delhi, 1992. Arising from this activity, IFLA UBCIM is undertaking the publication of a 4th editi on, which is being prepared under the editorship of Russell Sweeney (UK). The production of a new edition will be a valuable addition to the standards available to the international bibliographic co mmunity. The revised edition is expected to follow the same basic geographic arrangement, and the same arrangement within each country. Eeva Murtomaa (Finland), H. Jarvis and A. Estivill are assisti ng the consultant in being commentators. Mona Madsen (Denmark) will assist in reviewing the final draft before publication.

Recommendations from the Satellite Meeting on Multilingual and Multiscript Materials

Of the 14 recommendations proposed by the Satellite Meeting on Multilingual and Multiscript Materials held in Madrid in August 1993, four were directed towards the Section on Cataloguing. Each repres ented a project that would entail much research and work. Some recommendations were considered to be of higher priority. For the recommendations dealing with sorting, word division and abbreviations, some work may already have been done by the relevant ISO committees. Ingrid Parent (Canada) will ask ISO to prepare a list of standards developed or under development that relate to the four recomme ndations addressed to the Section.

It was suggested that the ISBDs should include a list of abbreviations, similar to the model used in AACR2. It was also suggested that a literature survey be done to determine what has ben published in each country on the topics described in the recommendations. All SC members were asked to do a literature search for their own country and send the citations and the articles to Ms Parent. The bib liography would be made available in Istanbul, and could also be included in the spring 1995 issue of SCATNews.



One issue of the Section Newsletter, SCATNews was published in spring 1994. Ms S. Thomas (USA) is editor.The Standing Committee is exploring the possibility of publishing two issues, the additional o ne to be published in autumn to report on the news from the conference and the accomplishments of the Section.

Havana Meeting

Open session

The Section held an open session attended by more than 100 participants. The following papers were presented:

Estado de la catalogación en Cuba

Se recogen los antecedentes históricos relacionados con la actividad bibliotecológica en Cuba y los acontecimientos que influyeron en el proceso de catalogación. Se resalta la i ncidencia de la Biblioteca Nacional en el desarrollo de la actividad de catalogación (como órgano cabecera de la red de bibliotecas públicas) a través de la catalogaci&oac ute;n centralizada, la publicación y distribución de manuales técnicos como herramientas de ayuda al resto de las bibliotecas, ente otros. La normalización de la descripci ón bibliográfica de los distintos tipos de documentos, tomando como base las ISBD y las Reglas de Catalogación Angloamericanas (2 ed.) es otro aspecto tratado en el trabajo, as&i acute; como una breve descripción de la situación de la actividad de computación aplicada a la descripción bibliográfica en las instituciones informativas del pa&ia cute;s. Se subraya la necesidad de lograr también un nivel de normalización en la actividad de computación, para lograr compatibilidad en cuanto a las técnicas y medios de automatización que se emplean en la catalogación de documentos, dentro el universo de la actividad bibliotecaria.

The Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records Study: Comments on the Study

Françoise Leresche Pratiques de catalogage en France

Study on the Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records: Theoretical and Practical Foundations