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62nd IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings - August 25-31, 1996

Development for the Undertaking of Children's Library in China

Ning Guoyu
Director of Tianjin Children's Library
Vice Research Librarian

Gao Xinzhen
Director of the Department of Research and Guidance of Tianjin Children's Library


Du Chen
Vice Director of the Department of Research and Guidance of Tianjin Children's Library


There are public children's libraries in every provinces, cities and counties all over China. Being a basis of development for the undertaking of children's library in the future, the paper gives a comprehensive analysis and study on the library building, staff, fund, collection and service of all the children's libraries in China. Synthesizing the ideas of experts and scholars in the library fi eld at home and abroad, the authors set forth the strategy that should be taken for the development of the undertaking of children's library from 5 respects:

  1. Strengthening the legislation is the essential guarantee for developing the undertaking of children's library .
  2. Relying on the forces from the state, collective and private to develop the undertaking of children's library jointly .
  3. Training the staffs and raising the quality of them to meet the needs of the new era.
  4. Taking the service as the main task, we should bring the functions of children's library in China into full play.
  5. Strengthening the theoretical research for children's library.

Furthermore, the paper also expounds the trend of development for undertaking of children's library.



Children's library is a social, cultural and educational organization to give children the education of ideological and moral character as well as scientific and cultural knowledge with books, periodicals and information. The undertaking of children's library is an important component part of society, culture and education. Some gratifying achievements have been gained not only in the numbers an d scales, but also in theoretical research on the science of children's library for ten years. It has got social benefits, and at the same time, the social has pained more attention to it. In general, the undertaking of children's libraries in China is in the ascendant and it is going to be thriving and prosperous. However, as comparing the speed of development with the actual requirement of thr ee hundred million Chinese children, it still has a long way to go. Thus, how to develop the undertaking of children's library in China gives us much food for thought.


l. Type of Children's LibraryThere are several standards for dividing the children's libraries in China:

(1) Divided by the System of Leadership

(2) Divided by the System of Organization

(3) Divided by the Collection
a)The comprehensive children's library means all public children's libraries and libraries of Children's Palace (Children's Center).
b)The special children's library means the library only with the single collection, such as: toy library, etc.
c)The comprehensive school library means libraries in middle and primary schools.
d)The professional school library means the libraries in the vocational schools.

2. Analyzing the Present Condition for the Undertaking of Children's Libraries in China

From the development scale for the undertaking of children's libraries in China (except Taiwan Province), we can see that there are more than 1700 children libraries in China , among them, 70 public children's libraries set up independently , including 5 libraries at the provincial and municipal levels, 44 libraries at the prefectural and city levels, 21 libraries at the district and county level s. Most of them are distributed over the East and the Southeast developed economy regions, and the numbers are less in the Northwest and the Southwest . There are 53 libraries in the East and the Southeast regions, accounting for 75.7% of the total and 17 libraries in the Northwest and the Southwest regions, accounting for 24.3% of the total.Library buildings, collections and funds, etc. are the main material conditions for children's libraries to live and develop. Thus, the author gives an analysis on the developing condition for the undertaking of children's libraries in China from some aspects, as: library buildings, collections and funds by 1994 statistics.

(1) Library Buildings
The buildings for children's library at all regions in China have been improved step by step for recent years. Some new buildings for children library in some provinces, municipalities and counties are going to be completed and open to the public. According to the statistics, the building areas in the 5 provincial libraries are arranged as :

From the statistics, we can see that the area of the children's library in Hunan Province completed in 1992 is the first one in the Chinese provincial children's libraries . However, some of them are not satisfied with people, such as , Beijing Children's library located at the corner of the Guozi Prison in the North of Beijing for a long time. The area of the old library building is only 250 squ are meters, among it, the circulation place for young readers occupied only 50 60 square meters, which is not matched with the capital scale with the population of 12 million. The building area of Beijing Children's Library is far from the standard as measured by "the National Standards for Evaluating the Children's Library at Provincial Levels"

(2) Funds
Funds are the necessary factors for children's library to live and develop. The state has allocated quite a lot funds for children's libraries in recent years. The great changes have taken place in some aspects for the children's libraries, as: equipment, book acquisition as well as the treatment for the staffs.Setting the libraries at the prefectural and city levels as example , 1994, the depar tments responsible for culture in the cities of Wuhan, Chongqing allocated more funds for children's libraries and also took some methods for raising funds jointly by the state and children's libraries. All these funds were used to buy modern equipment of the audio visual system and computers for children's libraries. With these, the service level of the modernization in these children's librari es have been improved. Besides these, they also gave more than one hundred thousand RMB yuan for each library to order books and periodicals.The variety and quantity of new books in the two libraries are tending to increase annually.Owing to some reasons, the children's libraries of some undeveloped regions in China are facing to the problem of funds, specially short of funds for the acquisition of books and periodicals. For example: 1994, the total fund of the children's library in Huainan City of Anhui Province was 77 thousand RMB yuan, among which , the cost for the staffs was 43 thousand yuan and only 2 thousand RMB yuan for acquisition of books and periodicals, accounting for 3% of the total except the expenses for repairment, etc. The "total fund" and "the fund for the acquisition of books and periodicals" of the library were in the lowest levels as measured by "the National Standards for Evaluating the Children's Libraries at the Perfectual and Municipal levels"

From the analysis, we can see that the funds for children's libraries can not only rely on the state , but also adopt various methods and find more and more economic ways from the actual condition to make up for the funds. Only in this way, the undertaking of the children's library can be developed.

(3) Collection
Collection is the main factor for the work of children's libraries, and also the important material basis for attracting children to read. so far, there are 26 big size libraries with the collection of 250 thousand volumes for the Chinese books ,26 medium size libraries with the collection of 50 thousand volumes, 16 small size libraries with the collection of 25 thousand volumes. From this we can see that the collection system of public children's libraries in China has been on a certain scale. Setting the libraries at the district and county levels as example: by statistics, the total collection in 21 children's libraries in China is about 716851 volumes, among it, one with the collection of more than one hundred thousand volumes, accounting for 5% of the total; 4 with the collection of 50 thousand volumes, accounting for 14% ;9 with the collection of 10 thousand or 5 thousand volumes, accounting for about 45% . For example: the collection of Hongshan District Children's Library in Chifeng City of Nei Monggol is up to 106909 volumes. The rate of collection in the library is tending to rise because the responsible department has allocated more funds for acquisition of books and periodicals .

However, owing to the prices for books and periodicals going up and some libraries being short of funds, the quantity for supplementary collection comparatively decreased, such as: the total collection of the children's library in Dongsheng City of Nei Mongglo is 6040 volumes, the books and periodicals they ordered in l994 was only more than 200 volumes. The total collection of the library only c an reach the lowest level as compared by "The National Standards for Evaluating the Children's Libraries at the District and County Levels".

3. Out of Date Measure of Service in Children's Libraries Have Been Changed

The close and passive service of the children's libraries in china has been transformed into the open and active service and various measures to service the children have been adopted, so, a gratifying social benefit has been achieved.It's very difficult for young children, the main readers of the children's libraries, especially for the pupils in lower grade of primary schools to look up the boo ks in the library they need by catalogues . Thus, a great limitation is given to close circulation in children's libraries. For this reason, some children's libraries, such as : Beijing, Shanghai, Fujian, Hunan, etc. carry out open shelf to children readers. Through practice, we can see that open shelf not only bring the collection of children's libraries into full play and raise the ratio of ut ilization , but also satisfy young readers' requirements to the maximum limitation, which is warmly welcomed by the children and their parents.

However, the service of open shelf is uncommon in children's libraries. Some libraries have been adopted old circulation service which is not convenient to children. For example, one of the children's libraries has been acquisitioning more than ten thousand books with beautiful covers and rich materials from Hongkong and Taiwan for years successively. But suitable service measures of guidance and propagation were not adopted to the children, as a result , these reading materials loved by the children have not been circulated very well, even some of them have not been open to the children readers so far. Thus, according to children's characters, inspiring reading interests of children through various kinds of services, and showing the collection through many ways will be the inexorable trend for developing the undertaking of children's library.

4. The Quality for the Staff of Children's Library has been raised step by Step

How about the quality of service work for children's library has a great concern with the staffs' cultural and professional quality.In recent years, the state has invested heavily in raising the staffs' quality. The curriculum of library science has been offered in some comprehensive universities, TV universities, correspondence universities and spare time universities. The structure of knowledge for the staffs of children's libraries has taken great changes through replenishing graduates from schools of higher learning , giving all kinds of education and training for staffs. That is to say, the cultural and professional quality of the staffs has raised a lot.

By statistics, the staffs of children's library with cultural education of college and university accounts for 50% of the total; the staffs with the title of high, middle, low technical or professional posts account for two third of the total professional staffs. For example, Tianjin Children's library has paid more attention to the professional and skilled training for the staffs who are on the job. There are more than 40 staffs who have been received the education of college and university for years, accounting for over 90% of the total in the library. In 1994, there are 3 staffs promoted the post of higher political engineer or vice research librarian, 9 staffs as librarians, 2 staffs as assistant librarians during the work of evaluating the technical and professional post. The workin g enthusiasm of the professional staffs have been inspired, the quality of them has been raised, and at the same time the fresh vigor has been poured into the development for the undertaking of children's library.However, the staffs' quality in some children's libraries can't meet the needs for the work. For example, there are 19 staffs in one of the children's libraries at the prefectural and ci ty levels. They are from different posts: 3 from the theatrical companies, 6 from other systems ( such as: food service, factory and enterprise, school, etc.) , 2 on sick leave for a long time. There are only a few professional staffs left ( the person with the technical and professional post). In this case, it's very difficult for children's library to do the professional work well.

We can see very clearly that paying attention to training the staffs, strengthening the professional backbone forces, giving education of cultural and professional knowledges to the staffs on the job as soon as possible are very important questions directly related to rising and declining the undertakings of children's libraries which we can not neglect.


The analyses above show that there are some problems to be solved for children's libraries in China . To solve these problems, we should do some work from two aspects: the first, it's necessary for the leaders of the Library Department of the Cultural Ministry and the administrative organizations at all levels to pay attention to the library and strength the guidance and management for the undertaking of children's libraries; the second, we should change this condition which have left behind by our own ac tive actions with effective methods and putting an end to a passive state of affairs as soon as possible.

l. Strengthening the Legislation is the Essential Guarantee for Developing the Undertaking of Children's Library.

The speed of developing the undertaking of children's library has been quite slow , mainly for lacking a library law. Though some documents and laws have been issued by the state, they can not restrain and standard the work in the departments at all levels responsible for the library work and can not deeply adjust and control the social mechanism and at the same time , there is no laws and mandat ory documents for the basic facilities. These land the work of children's library in a passive position. To change this condition, a definite stipulation for the policy, nature, task and function of children's library as well as the standard for developing the undertaking of children's library should be made through the legislation. In this case, the undertaking of children's library will be prot ected by the state law with which it can be developed healthily. Various kinds of laws and regulations of library have been made in some developed countries in the world, such as, a library decree was issued in Japan in 1899, the Library Law suitable for public libraries and the Law for School Library suitable for school libraries were issued in 1950 and 1953. On December 20 , 1985 , a decree for public libraries in Norway got through on the Norway Conference in which stipulated that libraries should be set up in all prefectures and cities as well as in primary and middle schools. The target, limit of activities for public libraries and the coordination between libraries stipulated in the decree. Besides, laws and regulations for libraries were made and issued by some countries, as : Ame rica, British and pre Soviet Union.

A serial of documents, regulations, stimulations and measures, etc. related to libraries have been made and issued in China, such as : in May, 1980, the Outline of the Report for Library Work got through on the 23rd Secretariat Conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China; in Feb, 1982, the Regulations of Library work for Provinces, Autonomies and Municipalities issued by t he Ministry of Culture, in which emphasizes the construction for the undertaking of children's libraries. These documents lay a foundation for the policies, laws and regulations of libraries in China. But, there has been no law special for children's library so far. A Regulation for the Work of Children's Library of City, District and County in Tianjin issued by Tianjin People's Government is th e only one suitable for public children's library. It's the first regulatory document for regional public children's library issued formally by the Government in the history of libraries in China. After that, some regulations for the work of school libraries worked out by the provinces and cities, as: Wuxi, Shijiazhuang, Nanjing, Fuzhou and Tianjin. Issuing the law of children's library will refl ect the will of people, safeguard children's right to use library, and insure the development for the undertaking of children's library healthily. Thus, strengthening the construction of law system for children's library in China, bringing the work of children's library standardization, systematization and legalization are the fundamental measures to consolidate and speed up the development for t he undertaking of children's library.

2. Relying on the Forces from the State, Collective and Private to Developing the Undertaking of Children's Library Jointly

To develop the undertaking of children's library needs more funds invested by the state, and also relies on the efforts given by all the fields of the society. It's not possible to invest only by the state under the condition of the national economy not rich enough. Even in the future, it can't be realized when the level of the national economy raised. So, it's very necessary to run children's li braries mainly by the state, bringing all woks of life in China into full play, setting to work by everybody, raising funds widely. We consider to adopt two measures as follows:

  1. Big and middle size children's libraries at the county level set up by the state or jointly by the state, collective and private
  2. Children's library below the level of street, village and town run by the collective and private. Therefore, we advocate and encourage the private to run children's libraries and overseas Chinese to denote for it. At the same time, the regulations and policies concerned formulated by the state are required to encourage the donation as soon as possible. On the basis of present condition, we should develop faster and make a great progress.

In the aspect of developing the net distribution for children's library, we should adopt the measures of combining the big, middle with small libraries together according to the actual conditions:

To make a rational distribution and increase the service nets for children's library we can set up libraries (reading rooms) in villages, towns, streets, middle and primary schools. For example. in a mountain area of Japan, a small size children's library has been set up by a voluntary person to solve the problem of lacking children's library (reading room) . There are more than 5 thousand librar ies like this in Japan in the eighties which are run by the privates and voluntary organizations to make an ideal reading condition for children. The small size libraries are set up in the dead areas of library service and mainly serve to the local children. About half of such small size libraries are in private houses. The complementary measures between the small size libraries and big ones beco me a new structure for children's library in Japan. Now, such kind of "small size libraries" as: "a small size library run by 100 families", "a hopeful library" etc. have been set up by many social organizations in China recently which bring the vitality for the undertaking of children's library.In general, bringing the forces of the state, collective and private into full play to run children's libraries is a good idea for developing the undertaking of children's library.

3. Training the Staffs and Raising the Quality of Them to Meet the Needs of the New Era

The level and the quality of the staffs of children's libraries are the key to developing the undertaking of children's library. Therefore, we should speed up the training for professional staffs of the children's library. The leaders of children's libraries in all provinces and cities should put training and developing the professional staffs and raising the cultural and professional quality o f them as a very important matter to consider.At the same time, various kinds of special education should be offered to increase professional staffs of the libraries. The measures to be taken:

  1. Giving regular professional training to the staffs on the job ;
  2. Offering professional education at high and medium levels to the staffs on the job, as: TV university, correspondence university and evening university, etc.;
  3. Selecting and cultivating the excellent talent;
  4. Employing the good graduates from teachers colleges and universities to the work of children's libraries;
  5. Arranging the subject of the library science in colleges and universities step by step and cultivating senior research staffs for children's libraries in the department concerned in the universities;
  6. Creating conditions to employ and cultivate the special staffs of children's libraries with two academic degrees or sent some senior researchers abroad and to Taiwan through the channels of exchanging librarians.

Only in this way, the professional level and structure of knowledge for the staffs of children's library in China can be raised and is tending towards rationalization. Therefore, the whole level for the work of children's libraries can be changed and face to the new challenge of the new era.

4. Taking the Service as the Main Task, We Should Bring the Functions of Children's Library in China into Full Play

Along with the development for the undertaking of children's libraries in China, the work of children's libraries has been changed from the state of collection and preservation into circulation. Therefore, putting the service as the main task, being convenient to readers and meeting the social needs have become an important work for children' library. Adopting new service measure to attract all children to read more good books is the best form of expression for making full use of the collection of children's libraries.

The new measures we should take are doing away with the traditional ones "just borrowing and returning books" and creating something new in order to be different from the past.

(1) Establishing a new system of collection and locating the reading places which are suitable for the system.
Besides the traditional collections, the system of collection for non book materials (as, magnetic tape, video tape, slide, color hanging picture, toy beneficial for intelligence and model , etc.) should be established for meeting the needs for children's psychology and character in the ratio of collections. Some reading places as: audio visual room ±, picture room ±, toy room ± , model room ± with children's interests are considered to be opened for fitting out the new system of the collection.With these non book materials of audio visual and the vivid pictures to develop children's intelligence , we can get the effect of learning something from playing.

(2) Organizing the activities of reading widely and bringing the cultural and educational function of children's library in China into full play.
If we want to bring the cultural and educational function for children's library into full play, we should arouse the reading interests of children, enlarge the reading scope and encourage them to read more and better books. At the same time, the condition for children to exchang their knowledge should be supplied.In this case, through various kinds of forms to make full use of the collections of children's library, a serial of reading activities should be organized , such as : "large scale reading competition", "story telling session", "symposium for readers", "a heart to heart talk between authors and readers".

By statistics, most of children's libraries in China organize various kinds of reading activities in varying degrees annually with the participants of millions upon millions. Through these activities, children can not only learn some knowledges from libraries which can's be get from classes but also rich their lives after class. And in certain senses, organizing the reading activities will play a n active part in spreading cultural and scientific knowledges and raising the cultural quality of the whole nation.

5. Strengthening the Theoretical Research on Children's Library

To realize the strategic target for developing the undertaking of children's library in china , we must strengthen the research work on children's library, because it's an important measure for promoting the development for the undertaking of children's library, and also a basic content of deepening the reform of children's library.Academic organizations of children's libraries have emerged in la rge numbers. A research group of national children's library of China Library Society was set up in Tianjin in 1982. From that day on, the staffs of national children's libraries have their own academic organization. After that, some of organizations have been found one by one, such as : " the Coordinated Committee for the Work of Children's Library in the Regions of North China, Northeast, North west", " the Coordinated Committed for the Work of Children's Library in the Region of East China" and " the Coordinated Committee for the Work of Children's library in the regions of Middle South and Southwest". Some activities of academic research and experiences exchange are organized in local regions and beyond the regions. "The Experiences Exchange and seminar for Work of National Children's Libraries" were hold by the research group of national children's library of China Library society in 1983 and 1987. Academic organizations of children's libraries emerging in large numbers have supplied places for exchanging working experiences and going further into academic subjects for the staffs and at the same time promoted the development for the research on children's library science.

How about the theoretical research on children's library science, the key problem is the staffs. It is an urgent task to cultivate and train a number of professional staffs to be engaged in the work of theoretical research and solving the problems occurred in the research work as soon as possible. Therefore, the subject of children's library should be arranged in colleges and universities in Chi na. We suggest that the department concerned in China should find some specialists and scholars concerned to do the professional work or send some staffs with certain ability to go abroad to study. A research contingent with organization , plan and ability of scientific research will be built at the end of the century.

Organizing activities of academic research regularly, we should strengthen the scientific research on the basic theory and applied technology to impel the staffs of children's library to gain more achievements. Some comprehensive or different kinds of academic conferences of children's libraries have been held by some provinces and cities in china recently. For example, 1989, an activity for appr aising Excellent Paper of Children's Library was organized by the Editorial Department of the Journal Children's Library and Libraries of Middle and Primary Schools and the Association of Children's Library in the Regions of Northeast, North China and Northwest jointly.

After that, a Collection of Excellent Paper of Children's Library was edited and published. It's necessary to enliven the academic atmosphere in the system of children's library and push the training work for the staffs forward.

To strengthen the academic research and exchange, the Journal, Children's Library and Libraries of Middle and Primary Schools was published by Tianjin Children's Library in the eighties. Then, some professional journals have appeared , such as : Children's Libraries Libraries of Middle and Primary Schools , the Work for Children's Library , Book sea for Children , the Work for Children's Book , Children's Library and a Little Egret in the children's libraries of some provinces and cities, as : Hunan, Shenyang, Dalian, Hangzhou , Shanghai and Xiamen. As one the sponsored unties, Wuhan Children's Library together with Wuhan Library Society and Wuhan Library publish the journal, Collected essays on Library . Some columns of "children's Library and Libraries of Middle and Primary Schools " etc. have been created in the journal to supply a place of academic research and exchange for the local staffs of children's libraries. As the development for the undertaking of children's libraries in China, the professional journals and reference materials for children's libraries will be published more and more.


Aiming at the questions above and measures we should taken, we think the developing trends for the undertaking of children's libraries in China are as follows:

1. To strength the construction of network for children's library and share the resources.

Establishing the network of children's library in China and sharing the resources are the requirements for the undertaking of children's library and also the inexorable trend for realizing the modernization of the library work. Although, the numbers of children's library have increased and reached a certain scale, a network of a large number of the children's libraries hasn't been set up because of neglecting. According to the developed condition for the undertaking of libraries at home and abroad, we know that libraries can not raise the working efficiency quickly, share the resources and satisfy the requirments of readers until the library networking is realized. Therefore, it's imperative to set up the network for the undertaking of children's library and the retrieval network of elec tronic computers in China .To strengthen the construction of network for children's library, we should complete two kinds of work as follows:

(1) Setting up the coordinated network for children's libraries in China.
Now, a national children's library should be established as a central library as quickly as possible. Under it, provincial branch coordinated centers in all provinces and municipalities as well as branch center libraries at prefectures should be established. District and county libraries are as member libraries.A coordinated vertical network should be formed, that is, the center of the national children's library branch center of provincial children's library prefetural and city libraries as member libraries. At the same time, the network of children's libraries at various systems should be established , such as: cultural system , educational system, union system and Youth League system . From this way, a system of children's library with division of labor, coordination, a crisscross network and all channels will be formed.

(2) Establishing a local retrieval network of electronic computers in the system of children's library.
Using computers in children's libraries to do the work of classification, catalogue, service to readers and administrative management is the fundamental mark of modernization for the undertaking of children's library. The children's library is going to adopt modern facilities instead of hand control. Computers have been used in many respects in all children's libraries, such as : service to read ers, technology and administrative management ,etc. A local retrieval network with electronic computers in the system of children's library is tending towards formation.

2. Establishing a collection system of children's library with a distinguishing feature by the way of coordinating collections.

At present, with the quick development of scientific technology, and rapid increment for the quantities of publications , the readers' requirements for documents have been increased day by day. Though the fund for books has been increased at various degrees, at the same time, the price of books has been up continuously. Thus, there are great limitations for the variety and quantity of books. Any library can't meet the reader's needs by the collection in its own library. Coordinating the collections and sharing the resources are the only way to meet the reader's needs. Coordinating the collections and having a rational distribution mean that the private state of children's library should be changed into a system state. That is to say, breaking the closed state of "each library order book s in its own way" for the collection of children's library, sharing out the work for book acquisition and also cooperating with each other, each one having its own features . So, a systematic collection system of children's library will be established with a good variety of collections , a rational distribution, and each one having its own collection features.In this way, the problem of lacking the fund for books can be solved and the phenomenon of unnecessary repetition for book acquisition be avoided. Thus, a local coordinating network for collections should be formed step by step with the administrative leaders to be responsible for it.

A national leading organization is necessary to lead the work of acquisition, coordination and distribution of document resources in each regions. A system of document resources with a unified leader, planning and division of labor should be established in China.

3. The Modernization for the Work of Children's Library

Modernization is the direction of the development of the undertaking of children's library and also the effective measures for safeguarding the interests of children readers. Along with the development of science and technology, the work of children's library should be transformed and stridden forward towards the modernization step by step. (1) Realizing the Standardization for the Work of Documents by Centralized Catalogue
Standardization is the prerequisite for realizing the modernization in children's library. Thus, realizing the standardization for the work of documents , we should classify the books with the Chinese Library Classification (the Edition for Children's Library, the Libraries of Middle and Primary Schools ) and entry them by the Entry Rule for General Books . On the basis of unified acquisit ion in all children's libraries , we should adopt the method of centralized catalogue, that is, the catalogue cards are made and printed by the catalogue center for all libraries to use. It is benefit for the local libraries to share the resources and realize the standardization for the document retrieval.

(2) Electronic Computers Will be Widely Used in the Work of Children's Libraries.
Using electronic computer is the key to realizing modernization in children's libraries. It can be used in many respects, as : acquisition, catalogue, retrieval and circulation , administrative management and work statistics. The application of computers can meet the children reader's needs for books and materials efficiently and make all kinds of work in order with high quality.

(3) The Structure of Knowledge for Staffs of Children's Library Will Raised to a Higher Level.
The construction for the professional staffs is the important factor for the stable development for the undertaking of children's library. Just relying on mastering the old professional knowledge and skill to realize the modernization for the work of children's library is not enough. Therefore, the higher demand on the cultural and professional quality for the staffs of children's library should be put forward, that is : they are not only proficient in the knowledges of their own profession, science and technology, but also have a good ability to do the management operating work. Only in this way, the modernization for the work of children's library will be developed steadily.


  1. WU WEICI, SHAO WEI An Introduction to the Library Science Bibliography and Document Publishing House 1985

  2. THE CAPITAL LIBRARY The Selected Works from Colleagues in the Capital Library Edited and Printed by the Capital Library (1979 1989)

  3. LUO YOUSONG, ZHENG LILI An Introduction to the Science of Children's Library

  4. MENG FU , SHEN YAN The Science of Children's Library Tianjin People's Publishing House. 1990

  5. LIU DEYOU Carrying Out the Spirit of the 14th People's Congress, Deepening the Library's Reform and Serving the Construction of Modernization Well The Children's Library and the Libraries of Middle and Primary Schools N0.1 1993

  6. The Collected Essays of Library N0.1 , 1994