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Associations and InstitutionsAnnual 

64th IFLA Conference Logo

   64th IFLA General Conference
   August 16 - August 21, 1998


Code Number: 025-79-E
Division Number: IV
Professional Group: Division of Bibliographic Control - Open Forum
Joint Meeting with: -
Meeting Number: 79.
Simultaneous Interpretation:   Yes

Division of Bibliographic Control
Section on cataloguing
Review of the activites : 1997/1998

Maria Witt
Secretary of the Section.
Médiathèque de la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie
Paris, France


1. Scope Statement

The Section on Cataloguing analyzes the functions of cataloguing activities for all types of material and media, including both bibliographic and authority information, for the benefit of all users. The Section proposes and develops cataloguing rules, guidelines ans standards for bibliographic information taking into account the developing electronic and networked environment in order to promote universal acces to and exchange of bibliographic and authority information. The Section has close relationships with many organizations and institutions including national cataloguing and standardization committees, various multinational organizations, various committees of ISO, especially with TC46, with the Sections on Bibliography, Classification and Indexing, and Information Technology, and in particular with the UBCIM programme office of IFLA.

2. Membership

149 members (December 1997)

3. Officers

The chair : Ingrid Parent from National Library of Canada has been reelected for a new two-year period.

The Secretary has changed : Susanne Jouguelet, Bibliothèque nationale de France, has been replaced by Maria Witt, Médiathèque de la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, France.

Information coordinator : Kerstin Dahl, Lund University Library, Sweden.

4. Progress report on major projects of the Section

5. Publications -

6. Conference programme


Several members of the Cataloguing Committee translated the papers presented at the Section's open programme and at the workshops on this conference into IFLA official languages (French, German, Russian, Spanish). You will find them at the paper's handling desk.

As you can realize, the Section has many projects. To establish the priorities and the planning is not an easy task. If you have any suggestions concerning our section or projects, please get in touch :
Ingrid Parent, the chair ,
Maria Witt, the secretary ,
Kerstin Dahl, information coordinator .

Author of the Report
Maria Witt,
April 1998


  1. Functional requirements for bibliographic records : the final report. Publ. by K.G. Saur, 1998 (UBCIM new series, vol. 19)
  2. SCATNews : Newsletter of the Standing Committee of the IFLA Section on Cataloguing. ISSN 1022-9841. 2 issues per year.
  3. ISBD(ER) : International Standard Bibliographic Description for Electronic Resources . Publ. by K.G Saur, 1997 (UBCIM new series, vol.17).
  4. ICBC : International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control IFLA UBCIM Programme. ISSN 1011-8829. Quarterly