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World Library and Information Congress: 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council

"Libraries: Dynamic Engines for the Knowledge and Information Society"

20-24 August 2006, Seoul, Korea


Call for Papers

Knowledge Management and Statistics and Evaluation Section


Statistical Evaluation as a Tool for Knowledge Management

Evidence-based Knowledge Management, Open Program sponsored jointly by the IFLA sections for Knowledge Management and for Statistics and Evaluation at the World Library and Information Congress / 72nd IFLA Conference, Seoul, 20-24 August 2006.

Knowledge Management is an exciting new area for library and information professionals, but how much is the practice of Knowledge Management based on good statistical and factual evidence? What methods of evaluation and benchmarking have shown to be effective in justifying return on investment in Knowledge Management initiatives?

This is the first call for papers on the use of statistical and factual evidence in the evaluation of Knowledge Management in all types of libraries.

Papers may be in English, French, German, Russian or Spanish. They should be no more than 30 minutes in duration.

Proposals for papers should be in English and include an abstract of no longer than 200 words. Papers must be original; and if not written in English, have an English translation attached; and between 3000 and 6000 words in length.

Please submit proposals by 14 January 2006 to:
Michele Farrell
E-mail: email mfarrell@imls.gov, or to
Margaret Haines
E-mail: margaret.haines@kcl.ac.uk

Authors of successful proposals will be notified by 31 January 2006 and must supply the full text of papers by 1 April 2006.

Please note that all fees, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation, etc. are the responsibility of the authors of accepted papers.