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World Library and Information Congress: 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council

"Libraries: Dynamic Engines for the Knowledge and Information Society"

20-24 August 2006, Seoul, Korea


Call for Papers

Public Libraries Section

The Public Libraries Section is having its Open Session in Seoul, South Korea 2006.


"Dynamic Digitised Services with Audio Visual Content"

The overall theme of the 2006 World Library and Information Congress is "Libraries: Dynamic Engines for the Knowledge and Information Society" and our programme is focused at the core of how the digitisation of audio and visual materials can transform public libraries into providing innovative and essential services for communities making use of public libraries in the 21st century.

The process of digitising our services is not merely one of making the written word more accessible to our communities but the whole range of audio-visual materials encompassing knowledge which is absorbed through sight and sound. This session will concentrate on examining innovative services already in place in public libraries and welcoming perspectives on how digitised services can be developed further in the future.

We are inviting colleagues to submit papers for the open session.

Please send a detailed abstract (1 page or at least 300 words) of the proposed paper (must not have been published elsewhere) and relevant biographical information of author(s)/presenter(s)Public Libraries Section via email to:
John Lake, Secretary, IFLA Public Libraries Section
E-mail: john.lake@corpoflondon.gov.uk

The abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Public Libraries Section's Standing Committee. Successful proposals will be identified by 31 January 2006.

Full papers will be due by 15 April 2006 to allow time for review of papers and preparation of translations; papers should be no longer than 20 pages. 15 - 20 minutes will be allowed for a summary delivery of the papers during the Public Libraries Section's programme.

Please note that the expenses of attending the Seoul conference will be the responsibility of the author(s)/presenter(s) of accepted papers.