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Welcome from the Round Table Executive Committee!

Medium-Term Program

The Latest News...

Membership Information

Newsletter of the Round Table on Continuing Professional Education (CPERT)

October 1998

Welcome from the Round Table Executive Committee!


Ms Patricia G. Oyler, Ph.D.
Graduate School of Library & Information Science, Simmons College
300 The Fenway,
Boston, MA 02115, USA
Tel: +1-617-5212850,
Fax +1-617-5213192
E-mail: poyler@vax.simmons.edu


Leena Siitonen, Ph. D.
Avila, Spain
E-mail: leena.siitonen@ucavila.es


Ms Anne Goulding
Loughborough University (DILS)
LE11 3TU,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-1509-223056
Fax: +44-1509-223053
E-mail: a.goulding@lboro.ac.uk


Clare Walker
University of the Witwatersrand
Wartenweiler, PO Box 31550,
2017 Braamfontein,
South Africa
E-mail: 056walker@libris.kwl.wits.ac.za

Information Coordinator:

John F. Harvey, Ph.D.
PO Box 1363, 1507 Nicosia,
E-mail: john.f.harvey@usa.net


Blanche Woolls, Ph.D.
School of Library & Information Science
San Jose State University
One Washington Square, San Jose, CA
95192-0029, USA
Tel: +1-408-924-2491
Fax: +1-408-924-2476
E-mail: bwoolls@wahoo.sjsu.edu


Diann D. Rusch-Feja, M.L.S., Ph.D.
Director, Library and Research Documentation
Max-Planck Institute for Human Development
Lentzeallee 94,
D-14195 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +4930-82406-230,
Fax: +4930-82499-39
E-mail: ruschfeja@mpib-berlin.mpg.de


Darlene Weingand, Ph.D.
School of Library & Information Studies
University of Wisconsin
600 North Bank Street,
Madison, WI 53706, USA
Tel: 1-608-262-8952
Fax 1-608-263-4849
E-mail: weingand@facstaff.wisc.edu


Pat Layzell Ward
Haulfryn, Cae Eithin, Minffordd
Penrhyndeudraeth, Gwynedd LL 486EL,
Wales, UK
Tel/Fax: 44-1766-770434
E-mail: layzellward@celtic.co.uk

The Newsletter is published twice a year in October and April. Please share your ideas and experiences by sending your contributions or suggestions to John F. Harvey, PO Box 1363, 1507 Nicosia, Cyprus, Tel: (357-2) 462286, Fax: (357-2) 451620, e-mail: john.f.harvey@usa.net or Suite 1105, 82 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005-3682, USA, Fax: 212-968-7962. Thank You. Secretariat: Janet Assadourian.

October 15, 1998


Greetings From The Continuing Professional Education Round Table (CPERT)!

We are alive and well and have survived the gala IFLA Conference in Amsterdam. The Round Table officers have attended the Section and Division Board Meetings and even put on a Round Table program meeting themselves with a good crowd of delegates attending (35 or so?). They also held a business meeting to elect new officers. There is a strong interest in continuing and distance education among IFLA members. One of the chief events there was the distribution of the new and attractive CPERT pins. Did you get your pin in Amsterdam?? If not, come to the 1999 Bangkok Conference open meeting and ask for one! Plans for The 1999 Bangkok and 2000 Jerusalem IFLA conferences are being formulated. If you have suggestions for the these events please let me know immediately.

In Bangkok one of the chief program events is scheduled to be a discussion of the material obtained from our appeal for information on the status of continuing and distance education in the countries represented in our IFLA Round Table. This is that appeal. Please write me to explain recent activities in your country in continuing and distance education. And send brochures, leaflets, programs, catalogs and other material where appropriate. Pay no attention to language problems; I can get any language translated.

Let me repeat this request. Please send me immediately full information on the present status and activities in the field of continuing and distance professsional library education in your country. See my address below.

Thank you for your helpfulness. Your contribution to our public program in Bangkok will be recognised by the officers there.

Watch for The Round Table Newsletter appearing soon!

Best wishes,


John F. Harvey

Newsletter of the IFLA Round Table on
Continuing Professional Education (CPERT)
PO Box 1363 (after January 1st, 1999 PO Box 21363),
1507 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: +357-2-462286,
Fax: +357-2-451620
E-mail: john.f.harvey@usa.net


Suite 1105, 82 Wall Street
New York, NY 10005-3682, USA
Telefax: 212-968-7962

The Round Table On Continuing Professional Education Medium-Term Program


The Round Table on Continuing Professional Education (CPERT), established under the Section on Education and Training, works to encourage and develop continuing education programs for information and library personnel and to provide a focal point for relevant activities.

New trends in information sources, technology, users' needs and management of libraries and information services emphasize the requirement for continuing education and retraining. The Round Table brings together those interested in and/or responsible for providing delivery systems for continuing education, persons interested in improving the quality of continuing education, etc.

GOALS, 1998-2001

  1. Encourage and develop international continuing professional education programmes for library and information personnel.

  2. Improve the opportunities of librarians worldwide to contribute to the lifelong learning of individuals both within and outside the profession including facilitating collaboration and development of networks for the exchange of ideas.

  3. Increase membership worldwide in the Round Table and facilitate communication between members.

  4. Stimulate research in continuing education for library and information professionals.

MINUTES of Business Meeting held Saturday, August 15, 1998

Patricia Oyler, Simmons College GSLIS: poyler@simmons.edu
Anne Goulding, DILS, Loughborough University: a.goulding@lboro.ac.uk
Diann Rusch-Feja, Max Planck Inst. Of Human Dev.: ruschfeja@mpib-berlin.mpg.de
Leena Siitonen, Catholic University of Avila: leena.siitonen@ucavila.es
Blanche Woolls, SLIS, San Jose State University: b.wools@wahoo.sjsu.edu
Darlene Weingand, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison: weingand@facstaff.wisc.edu
John F. Harvey, PO Box 1363, 1507 Nicosia, Cyprus: john.f.harvey@usa.net
  1. Chairperson Oyler opened the meeting by welcoming all members. The members then introduced themselves.

  2. The following items were added to the agenda:
    1. Continuing Education Fourth World Conference (Diann Rusch-Feja)
    2. Newsletter (Blanche Woolls)
    3. The future of CPERT (Blanche Woolls)
    4. IT project (Diann Rusch-Feja)
    5. Database project (Diann Rusch-Feja)

  3. A number of typographical errors were noted in the minutes of the meeting of Saturday, August 30, 1997. Chairperson Oyler undertook to correct the mistakes. Diann Rusch-Feja called the meeting's attention to item 6 on the minutes of Wednesday September 3, 1997. The organising committee consisted of: Diann Rusch-Feja, Darlene Weingand, Riitta Makinene, Barbara Jedwabski and a member from the local organising group.

  4. Chairperson Oyler reported on the Co-ordinating Board meeting on Friday 14th August. The CB discussed:
    1. IFLA is considering cutting back on the number of workshops on the Thursday afternoon workshop day
    2. a new handout is being produced for newcomers to IFLA
    3. members must register for Bangkok by March 15th to qualify for discount
    4. a new edition of the Officers' Handbook will be produced next year
    5. all web pages are to be on Iflanet.
    6. there will be an intensive evaluation of simultaneous translation after concern expressed at Copenhagen. It is recognised that there is a need to train translators.
    7. there has been a call for projects from the Section on Education and Training, but the main thrust there seems to be the revision of Library School standards.

  5. CPERT Officers. Diann Rush-Feja suggested leaving this item until later to see if any other members came as the time of the meeting as stated on IFLA-net was wrong. Patricia Oyler agreed to stay on a Chair for one year in 1997 although IFLA prefers a two year cycle. Blanche Woolls raised the issue of the organisation of CPERT in the last year. Chairperson Oyler suggested that this lead into the discussion of the future which would be raised later on the agenda.

  6. Information Co-ordinator. IFLA placed a lot of emphasis on this role. It was proposed to combine the role with Secretary/Treasurer. Anne Goulding could not, however, make the meeting on Sunday August 16th. Diann Rush-Feja said she and Barbara Jedwabski were going anyway and agreed to report back. John Harvey and Leena Siitonen also agreed to attend representing CPERT.

  7. Chairperson Oyler will be staffing the IFLA booth representing CPERT on Tuesday, August 18th.

  8. Open meeting, Wednesday, August 9th, 1998. Ruth Hafter and Blanche Woolls will present a paper discussing the continuing education curriculum. IFLA has stressed that open meetings should be discussions rather than papers.

  9. Programme for Bangkok meeting. The theme of the meeting is, "On the threshold of a new century: libraries as gateways to an enlightened world." The sub-theme that seems to apply best to CPERT is "Strengthening the Gateway" which includes library staff education and training, affordable and efficient communication, education at all levels for life long learning, and information access. A theme for CPERT's Open Meeting was discussed. CPE as a component of life-long-learning was decided upon. Diann Rusch-Feja suggested that a view from Thailand would be interesting, and Leena Siitonen mentioned a contact whom she would approach. Blanche Woolls said that she had a doctoral student investigating life-long learning. Diann Rusch-Feja suggested co-sponsoring a workshop with the regional representatives. Blanche Woolls was concerned that CPERT might lose its programme slot if we were to combine with another group. Diann Rusch-Feja agreed to take on a liaison role with the regional group planning the workshop for Bangkok. Darlene Weingand suggested a brief meeting after the Open Meeting to decide how to proceed with this matter.

  10. Fourth World Conference. Diann Rusch-Feja heads the planning group for the Fourth World Conference. There was one proposal on the table from Aberdeen from Ian Johnson. It was suggested that the proposal be accepted. The issue of the theme was raised. Diann Rusch-Feja suggested qualification for CPE or standards. All members were encouraged to think of suitable themes.

  11. Financial Report. Chairperson Oyler reported that the financial report was better than anticipated. The CPERT pins had been paid for. The RT received 3000 Guilders for work on the database. CPERT did not, however, receive funding for next year because there was money in the account at the time of submission of the financial report.

  12. Membership Committee and brochure revisions. Chairperson Oyler and Clare Walker did not revise the brochure but redid the existing one. Diann Rusch-Feja reported seeing Clare Walker in April when she was still waiting for email lists. Diann Rusch-Feja also reported difficulties with setting up the listserver because of a problems with the name of the Round Table - it would have to be CPE-RT. The project had also stalled because there was no definitive list of emails. It was agreed to send Clare Walker a copy of the minutes of the meeting to go in the newsletter.

  13. Web page. Diann Rusch-Feja reported that Barbara Jedwabski had made a good start with the web pages but had encountered some problems. She will continue to pursue this matter. Examples of the web page to date were distributed.

  14. Newsletter. Diann Rusch-Feja suggested that it would be a good idea to send a newsletter now to alert people to the web page. John Harvey raised the issue of people who were not on email and suggested a paper-based issue to be sent as well. Chairperson Oyler stated that the RT did not have the funds to distribute the newsletter by mail. A mailing list is urgently needed. Anne Goulding agreed to draw one up from lists of past conference and meeting participants and official IFLA records, although it was acknowledged that some addresses would be out of date. Blanche Woolls encouraged all members to send three paragraphs to Clare Walker for the newsletter describing CPE activities in their home countries. The abstracts of the papers of the Open Meeting could also go in the newsletter. John Harvey undertook to distribute the paper-based edition of the newsletter.

  15. CPERT pins. Chairperson Oyler raised the issue of whether to give the RT pins out or sell them. It was agreed to give pins to those who attended meetings and anybody directly involved with the operation of CPERT.

  16. The future of CPERT. Chairperson Oyler stated that the strength of CPERT was its World Conferences, and that the interim business meetings were always poorly attended. Also, many people who attended the conference were not yet here. Chairperson Oyler reported that this has been done in the past, but it depended on the length of the programme; these meetings are always better attended than the business meeting. Blanche Woolls suggested arranging a meal together for Bangkok on the evening of the Open Meeting. Chairperson Oyler pointed out that this was Embassy evening. Diann Rusch-Feja suggested attaching an open meeting to the open session (in addition to the Saturday business meeting). Chairperson Oyler proposed announcing that after the Open Meeting programme there be a report on the Saturday business meeting, and ask people to stay and participate. Blanche Woolls suggested asking people via IFLA Express to send in 50-100 word statements of CPE activities in their countries for the Bangkok meeting. These would be distributed and all those who contributed would be given a pin. It was also suggested that this announcement by put on Iflanet and in The IFLA Journal. They should send their contribution to Leena Siitonen. Darleen Weingand agreed to give a paper at Bangkok focusing on "What is CPE?"

  17. Diann Rusch-Feja suggested a project to construct a course offering people and place database. Darlene Weingand felt that this was very ambitious. Diann Rusch-Feja also raised the possibility of taking part in the project looking at CPE for IT.

  18. The meeting adjourned at 16.40.

The Latest News ...

Bangkok, Thailand, August 19-28, 1999 - 65th IFLA Council and General Conference
"Libraries as Gateways to an Enlightened World"

The Professional Board of IFLA has approved the theme "Libraries as Gateways to an Enlightened World" for the 1999 IFLA General Conference in Bangkok. The following statement including sub-topics has been agreed on with the Thai Organising Committee:

In the information era the library must transcend its present role as producer, preserver and purveyor of knowledge and information by acting as a gateway to a wide range and variety of information resources and services which are in constant flux. This requires recognition that quantity and availability do not necessarily guarantee quality and desirable information. In this information rich environment, libraries have to do more than act as hosts. As change agents they have a role to play in converting data into information, information into knowledge, and knowledge into wisdom by providing the means to seek a better future, an increasingly more enlightened world where such universal aspirations as peace, social and economic justice, intellectual freedom respect for human dignity and rights and a healthy social and natural environment, are reinforced, enhanced and converted into reality. On the threshold of the twenty first century when a new and hopefully enlightened era can begin, the library and information professionals should take up the challenges to provide the means for a better world.

The 65th IFLA Conference in Thailand proposes that the international library community commit itself to meet the challenges of building a more enlightened world by focusing on the quality of its collection contents and services, reaching out to all levels and groups of society, ensuring equitable access to knowledge and strengthening its position in the dynamic global information market place.


  1. Strengthening the Gateway
    1. Legal aspects of information access
    2. Library staff education and training
    3. Affordable and efficient communication links
    4. Education at all levels as a component of the life long learning process

  2. Assuring the Quality and Quantity of Information
    1. Development of quality information sources
    2. Development of "search engines" and other means of information sources
    3. The changing roles of Universal Bibliographic Control UBC and Universal Availability of Publication (UAP).
    4. Publishing in all media for an enlightened world.
    5. Conservation of documentary heritage and provision of wider access

  3. Networking for "Quality of Life"
    1. Libraries for peace and conflict resolution
    2. Libraries for cultural development and aesthetic appreciation
    3. Libraries for healthy body and wholesome mind
    4. Environment and culture information networks
    5. Networking services for the disadvantaged and abused


Prof. Khunying Maenmas Chavalit
President, IFLA 65th 1999-National Organising Committee
c/o SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts-SPAFA
81/1 Sri-Ayutthaya Road, Sam-sen Theves, Bangkok, 10300 Thailand
Tel: (662) 280-4022-9,
Fax: (662) 280-4030,
E-mail: exspafa@external.ait.ac.th -- IFLA


Persons interested in presenting professional papers at the Round Table's open meeting in Bangkok should be prepared to send a copy of the paper to the Newsletter Editor not later than April 1, 1999. These authors should send abstracts of their papers to the Newsletter Editor not later than February 1, 1999. Papers delivered at the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Preferably, the author of each paper should deliver it in person at the open conference meeting. However, if the author cannot be there to deliver the paper then he or she should notify the Editor of this fact, and The Editor will be glad to read it there. All papers should be pitched at a scholarly level and should, if possible, compare and contrast activities in not just one institution but two or more. While papers describing single continuing education examples are acceptable, more desirable are those papers which describe the activities at more than one institution or in more than one country. Papers may also evaluate the effectiveness of the continuing education program against the established standards or regular on-campus examples.


Beta Phi Mu Award to Elizabeth "Betty" Stone Professor emerita at the Catholic University of America library school in Washington, D.C., Betty Stone is proudest of making a "wakeup call to the library profession that continuing education should be a top priority." She emphasized that she could only have completed the achievements that won her the Beta Phi Mu Award through the help of many other people.

In 1975 Stone founded and was the first executive director of the Continuing Library Education Network Exchange and with Brooke Sheldon started the Continuing Professional Education Round Table at the 1986 Tokyo meeting of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. She also chaired the first World Conference on Continuing Education for The Library and Information Professions in 1985. Asked what was the most rewarding experience of her career, Stone said "Being President of the American Library Association."

During her 1981-82 presidency, ALA reached several firsts: issuance of an "America's Libraries" US postal stamp in Philadelphia , July 13, 1982; creation of a national library symbol; initiations of ALA poster sessions; and production of a nationwide interactive conference program at the Denver Midwinter Meeting. Donated by the Beta Phi Mu International Library Science Honorary Society, the award consists of $500 and a citation. - Library Journal.



We are pleased to announce that IFLA ALP will continue its support to the continuing education programs in librarianship and information science in developing countries in 1998. There will be scholarships for information professionals to attend a 3-month course at the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand and at INSDOC in India; and to be on a one-month attachment at libraries in Asia and Oceania. Interested persons wishing to obtain an application form may write to:

Ms. Daruna Somboonkul
ALP Programme Coordinator for Scholarships and Attachments
5/3 Moo 2, Soi Wat Buakwan
Ngamwongwan Road, Nonthaburi 11000


was established in 1991 to sponsor one librarian every year from the former Soviet Union, including the Baltic States, to attend an IFLA Seminar or Conference. Apply to IFLA if you are interested. --IFLA


Kansas-based School Recruiting New Mexico Students for Progam New Mexico residents who are interested in enrolling in a local graduate library school program can soon do so via the Distance Education Program (DEP) at the School of Library and Information Management (SLIM), Emporia State University (ESU), KS, USA. SLIM is currently recruiting students for its second MLS program offered in New Mexico beginning in January 1999. Graduation will be in summer 2001. The first program in the state began in 1993 and conferred 40 MLS degrees in 1995. Since 1987, SLIM has offered nine MLS programs through the DEP and graduated nearly 500 students. Currently, programs are underway in Colorado, Nebraska, Oregon, and Utah.


Dan Roland, director of distance education at ESU, said that the MLS program is offered when SLIM gathers a minimum of 100 names of interested students from a region. A market analysis of the community determines the tuition charged and a regional location is selected for the on-campus component of the program. Zimmerman Library at the University of New Mexico will host that state's program. Faculty from ESU will visit the location two weekends per semester and maintain communication via e-mail. A dedicated listserve is set up for each class and each regional MLS program.

About 20% of the curriculum is delivered via the Internet, with some lectures shown through a streaming-video process. Some content can also be delivered through CD-ROM. For more information or to request an application packet, call Dan Roland at 800-552-4770, x5064 or e-mail <rolandda@esu.emporia.edu>. The web site is <http://slim.emporia.edu>. - Library Journal


The IFLA Office for UAP is pleased to announce that thanks to generous support by the Open Society Institute Regional Libraries Programme, IFLA payment vouchers worth $30,000 have been purchased and distributed to libraries in Bulgaria.

The IFLA Voucher Scheme, which has now been running for a little over two years, has proved to be very successful and has over 130 libraries and institutions participating in the Scheme. However, up to now, there has been very little participation by Eastern European countries and the Office is delighted that this is now being made possible. It is hoped that the Bulgarian libraries are able to make full use of the vouchers and thus develop their interlending activities. Libraries from several other Eastern European countries have also received funding from the Open Society Institute Regional Libraries Programme to support their participation in the IFLA Voucher Scheme. Further information about the Scheme can be obtained from:

IFLA Voucher Scheme
IFLA Office for UAP
c/o British Library
Boston Spa
Wetherby LS23 7BQ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-1-937 546254
Fax: +44-1937-546478
E-mail: ifla@bl.uk
(Alma Dale, Reference 2, Wed, 6 Aug. 1997) - IFLA


To IFLA 1999 in Bangkok -- Support needed

A joint effort of the 3 regional Offices and Sections to do fundraising and selection of participants from developing countries to attend IFLA conference. Working Committee consisting of:

  1. Chairs of the 3 Sections
  2. Regional Office Managers
  3. ALP Director
  4. Chair of the local committee

Their responsibilities are:

  • to do fundraising from each region
  • accounce the grants
  • nominate participates
  • select the grantees

They need your input on:

  • fundraising ideas
  • funding sources available
  • possible participants to be invited
  • any other suggestions

Please contact one of the committee members:

  1. Mr Stanley M. Made, University of Zimbabwe Library, PO Box MP45, Mt. Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe, E-mail: smmade@uzlib.uz.zw

  2. Ms Amelia McKenzie, National Library of Australia, Parkes Act 0200, Australia, E-mail: amckenzi@nla.gov.au

  3. Mr Adolfo Rodrigues Gallardo, Universidad nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Torr Il de Humanidades Pisos 12 y 13, Cuidad Universitaria, Mexico, DF 04510, Mexico, E-mail: jadolfo@servidor.unam.mx

  4. Mr Henri Sene, Bibliotheque de l'universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, BP 2006, Dakar, Senegal, E-mail: biblicad@ucad.sn

  5. Ms Pensri Guaysuwan, 1774/87 Charansawitwong 63, Bangkok 10700, Thailand, E-Mail iflaroao@alpha.tu.ac.th

  6. Ms Elizabet Maria Ramos de Carvalho, Delegacia Regional do Ministerio da Cultura, Rio de Janeiro, Palacio da Cultura, rua de Imprensa, 16 Centro, E-mail: iflalac@nutecnet.com.br Potential sponsors please contact Mr Sjoerd M. J. Koopman, Coordinator of Professional Activities at IFLA HQ.


The Library Education and Training Section Subcommittee on Education and Training for the Updating of the 1976 Standards for LIS Education is currently gathering information on the LIS education infrastructure in every country for which we can locate such information.

While we have located to date a large number of articles on the general state or on recent developments in LIS education in various countries, we have found very few published standards. Consequently, we would like to issue a call for cooperation.

We would greatly appreciate if IFLA-colleagues who can locate written standards for LIS in their respective countries would send a copy, by e-mail or snail mail or fax Dr. Harvey at the address shown below:

Evelyn Daniel, Ph.D.School of Information & Library Science
University of North Carolina
100 Manning Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360, USA
Fax: 1-919-962-8071
E-mail: Daniel@ILS.UNC.EDU

Susan Lazinger, Ph.D.
School of Library, Archive and Information Studies
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
POB 1255 Jerusalem
91904 Israel
Fax: 972-1-658 5707
E-mail: Susan@VMS.HUJI.AC.IL

John F. Harvey, Ph.D., Assistant
PO Box 1363
1507 Nicosia
Fax: 357-2-451620
E-mail: john.f.harvey@usa.net

We are planning a workshop at IFLA 1999 in Bangkok to consider the draft standards. Any colleagues interested in being involved in discussions in Bangkok are asked to send an expression to the Secretary of the Education and Training Section:

Aira Lepik, Ph.D.,
Tallinn University of Educational Services,
Narva Road 25, 10120 Tallinn, Estonia
Fax: +372 6409 481,
E-Mail: Aira@tpu.ee


IFLA-L is an electronic forum intended to foster communications between IFLA, its membership and members of the international library community. The goal in establishing this list is to facilitate information exchange as well as professional communication and development within the IFLA community.

Subscribe: listserv@infoserv.nlc-bnc.ca
Submissions: ifla-l@infoserv.nlc.bnc.ca
Archive: http://infoserv.nlc-bnc.ca/cgi-bin/ifla-lwgate.pl/IFLA-L/archives/

DIGLIB is a discussion list for librarians, information scientists, and other information professionals to discuss the constellation of issues and technologies pertaining to the creation of digital libraries.

Subscribe: listserv@infoserv.nlc-bnc.ca
Submissions: diglib@infoserv.nlc-bnc.ca
Archive: http://infoserv.nlc-bnc.ca/cgi-bin/ifla-lwgate.pl/DIGLIB/archives/

LIBJOBS: A mailing list for librarians and information professionals seeking employment. Subscribers receive only job postings. Employers do not have to subscribe to the list to submit an employment posting:
Subscribe: listserv@infoserv.nlc-bnc.ca
Employer submissions: libjobs@infoserv.nlc-bnc.ca
Archive: http://infoserv.nlc-bnc.ca/cgi-bin/ifla-lwgate.pl/LIBJOBS/archives/


IFLA-L, DIGLIB, and LIBJOBs are accessible through the IFLANET WWW service

The WWW mail gateway provides users with an easy, Web-based means to:
Subscribe to IFLA Lists - Unsubscribe from IFLA lists - Set list subscription options - Query list subscription options - Confirm list subscription - Browse list archives in hypertext format - Search list archives - Get list information files - Get list archives file index - Get list archive file --IFLA

Membership Information

All IFLA Members and Affiliates are welcome to participate in one or more Round Tables. Participation in a Round Table is available at the discretion of the existing Round Table Executive Committee. Should you wish to participate in a Round Table, please inform IFLA Headquarters, and the appropriate Round Table Officers in a separate letter. Addresses can be found in the first Section of the IFLA Directory.


B. National Centres for Library Services (ROTNAC)
C. INTAMEL (Public Libraries)
D. Mobile Libraries
E. Audiovisual and Multimedia
F. Management of Library Associations
G. Continuing Professional Education
H. Library History
J. Editors of Library Journals
K. Newspapers
M. Women's Issues
N. User Education

Join Today!


The Continuing Professional Education Round Table (CPERT) is part of the IFLA Education and Research Division and of the Education and Training Section. Be sure to specify these three groups when applying for membership.

The goals of CPERT are to:

  1. Encourage and develop international continuing professional education programmes for library and information personnel.

  2. Improve the opportunities of librarians worldwide to contribute to the lifelong learning of individuals both within and outside the profession including facilitating collaboration and development of networks for the exchange of ideas.

  3. Increase membership worldwide in the Round Table and facilitate communication between members.

  4. Stimulate research in continuing education for library and information professionals.

To join this section, fill in your name and address below and return this form to IFLA, PO Box 95312, 2509 CH The Hague, Netherlands, Tel: 31-70-3140884, Fax: 31-70-3834827, e-mail: IFLA@ifla.org

Fees vary by country and by institution. For more information contact IFLA.

[ ]Yes! I am already an IFLA Member and would like to join the IFLA Round Table on Continuing Professional Education (CPERT) in 1999. Please register me/my institution from January 1, 1999.
[ ]No, I am not yet an IFLA Member - Please send me an application form and more information about IFLA.

Name     __________________________________________________________

Address  __________________________________________________________



Tel:     __________________________________________________________

Fax:     __________________________________________________________

E-Mail:  __________________________________________________________


There are several good answers to this question

IF you are a continuing professional educator and IF you want to

  • share your specialised knowledge with colleagues from all over the globe
  • help to develop publications and articles relating to library services in libraries and library schools
  • plan and participate in sessions of the Education and Training Section during the IFLA annual conferences at interesting places around the world
  • improve library services everywhere

TOGETHER we will join our efforts in order

  • to promote and advocate the role of continuing and distance library education
  • to delineate the role of the continuing educator
  • to assist librarians in their professional development
  • to promote and disseminate research in the library education field

JOIN NOW!! IFLA Personal members are entitled to 1 section membership. Institutional members to two section memberships and Association members to 4 section memberships.


[ ]Association Membership*
[ ]Institutional MembershipNLG 750
[ ]Personal AffiliationNLG 200
[ ]Please send me more information

Full Name   _______________________________________________________

Position (for statistical use only)  ______________________________

Address/City   ____________________________________________________



Country   _________________________________________________________

Telephone:   ______________________________________________________

Fax:   ____________________________________________________________

E-Mail:   _________________________________________________________

WWW-Site:   _______________________________________________________

Name of the highest Official   ____________________________________

Section Registration (see next page)   ____________________________

Signature:   ______________________________________________________


[ ]Payment enclosed (a cheque or postal order) Cheques should be made payable to IFLA HQ
[ ]Bank transfers should be made to: ABN-AMRO Bank NV, The Hague, Account no. 51 36 38 911
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Latest Revision: December 12, 1998 Copyright © 1995-2000
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions