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61st IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings - August 20-25, 1995

Section on Education and Training

Annual Report 1994

Author (s)

Steffan Rückl

Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft und wissenschaftlichte Information
Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin
Clara Zetkin Strasse 26
D-10099 Berlin
Fax: (49-30) 20325335
is Chair of the Section on Education and Training.

Evelyn Daniel

School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina
CB# 3360, 201 Manning Hall
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3360
Fax: (1-919) 9628071
e-mail: daniel@ils.unc.edu
is Secretary.

[Annual report not received; minutes of meetings not received.]

Membership and Standing Committee

The Standing Committee has 20 members from 15 countries. There are 171 members registered for the Section.


World Guide

The second edition of the World Guide to Schools of Librarianship and Information Studies, compiled and edited by Josephine Riss Fang and Robert Stueart is nearing completion and will be publi shed by IFLA in the series, IFLA Publications in 1995.

Havana Meetings

Open session

The Section held an open session with the theme, "Aspects of LIS Degree Equivalencies". The following papers were presented:

Library and Information Science (LIS) Education in Europe: The Role of EUCLID in Curriculum Development and Equivalence of Qualifications

The paper briefly presents the tasks of EUCLID and discusses the problems of curriculum development and equivalence of qualifications in present Europe. The role of EUCLID is stressed.

Equivalence of Qualifications in Anglo/American Countries

The evolution of qualifying and accrediting library associations in Britain and British Commonwealth countries and in the USA is traced. Equivalence of first professional qualifications based on comp letion of courses accredited by the associations are examined. There is also reference to the problem of determining equivalencies between library schools in the same country and in the use of qualit y indicators.

Demands and Prospects for Equivalency in the Library and Information Professions and their Education and Training

The trend of information work in all its forms becoming more and more international is raising demands for equivalency in education of librarians and other information professionals. In this paper, " demands" for equivalency concern those needs and forces the library and information professionals must take into consideration in regard to their professional education and competencies, career devel opment and status both within the profession and among other professions. The demands are intensified by such factors as changes in economy, changes in political climate, developments in regional and national administrative structures, and changes in educational and cultural goals. "Prospects" for equivalency are considered here as changes or opportunities for library and information professiona ls to promote their educational and career opportunities, which are realized through continuing education and comparison of professional qualifications and competencies both within the profession and with similar professions or similarly educated groups of professionals. The demands for equivalency are considered urgent both by educators and professionals in countries which must establish or inc rease cooperation with other countries. In so far as formal education and training are considered, efforts to establish the criteria for creating and evaluating equivalency have been the focus of bil ateral or multilateral agreements concerned only with some parts of formal education and to a lesser degree with continuing education.


The Section also held a workshop with the theme: "LIS Education in the Caribbean and Latin American Countries". The workshop was followed by a meeting with local educators.