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Some Useful Chinese Expressions

62nd IFLA General Conference
Beijing, CHINA
August 25-31, 1996

Pronunciation         English

Nihao                 How do you do?
Qing Dengyideng       Please wait a minute.
Zaijian               Good-bye
Henhao                very good
Xiexie                Thank you.

Qingwuxiyan           No smoking
Buyongxie             You are welcome.
Meiguanxi             Don’t mention it.
Pijiu                 beer
Duibuqi.              Sorry.

Yi                    one
Er                    two
San                   three
Si                    four
Wu                    five

Liu                   six
Qi                    seven
Ba                    eight
Jiu                   nine
Shi                   ten

Wobuzhidao            I don’t know.
Qingwen...            Excuse me (may I ask)...
Zhe shi shenme?       What’s this?
Dui                   Right
Bu dui                Wrong
Bu                    No
Duoshao?              How much?

Youju	              Post office
(Likang) Fandian      (Likang) Hotel
Canting	              Restaurant
Yinhang	              Bank
Jichang	              Airport
Chuzuche              Taxi