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64th IFLA General Conference
Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 16 - August 21, 1998
[Español] [Français] [Deutsch]

Table of Contents

Conference Programme and Proceedings

IFLA Express No. 2 [Acrobat PDF version: 130K]

Pre Seminar Information

Information for Presenters


Honorary Committee IFLA '98

Conference Theme and Subthemes

The Aims of IFLA

IFLA and the Netherlands

Main Sponsors and Supporters

Netherlands Organising Committee

IFLA Conference Grant

Preliminary Programme Summary

Conference Information

Social and Cultural Activities

Accompanying Persons Programme

Travel Information

General Information

Registration & Hotel Reservation

Important Addresses

Main Sponsors and Supporters

The IFLA �98 Conference receives financial and other support from several governmental, municipal and industrial organisations as well as a number of foundations and individual libraries. The main sponsors and supporters include the following organisations: The Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Foundation Friends of the braille and the spoken book, FOBID, NBLC, Rank Xerox, NBD, Surfnet, Elsevier Science Publishers, Swets and Zeitlinger, KG Saur Publishers, EBSCO Subscription Services, GEAC.

The Official Sponsor List will be published in the Final Programme which will become available during the 64th IFLA General Conference in Amsterdam.

The Netherlands Organising Committee gratefully acknowledges the support of all those sponsoring the IFLA �98 event.