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World Library and Information Congress: 71st IFLA General Conference and Council

"Libraries - A voyage of discovery"

August 14th - 18th 2005, Oslo, Norway

Call for Papers:
Library Theory and Research and
the Section for Education and Training

The Section for Library Theory and Research and the Section for Education and Training are presenting a 4-hour program in Oslo as part of the World Library and Information Congress/ 71st IFLA Conference. 14 - 18 August 2005.

We invite proposals for papers dealing with International Perspectives on Library and Information Science Research and Education.

We look for papers on the following themes:
  • The relationship between library and information science research and the professional practice
  • The research methodology component in library and information science education
  • Cultural differences and diversities: Implications for internationalcooperation in LIS - research.

Proposals for papers must be submitted by 15 February, 2005 to: Niels Ole Pors, E-mail: nop@db.dk.

The proposal should include the title, a 200 - 400 wordabstract and all relevant biographical information on the author(s).

Successful proposers will be notified by 15 March and must supply the fullpaper by 1 May 2005.