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World Library and Information Congress: 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council

"Libraries: Dynamic Engines for the Knowledge and Information Society"

20-24 August 2006, Seoul, Korea


Call for Papers

Division VII:
Education and Research


"Hidden biases in library concepts- Cultural and linguistic differences in research and education"

Librarianship is a scientific and professional field that depends heavily upon culture and language in its research and education. How do we interpret and understand central issues in LIS concepts within the context of different cultures and languages? What effects do cultural and linguistic differences have on the way we formulate research problems and educate and undertake research in LIS?

Central topics that library researchers and library educators deal with worldwide are, for example, information literacy, digital librarianship, the library as an arena for learning, the promotion of reading etc. But to what extent and in what way is our approach and understanding of such topics, as researchers and educators, dependent on our cultural and linguistic background?

These questions will be addressed in a session of Division VII, Education and Research.

We are looking for contributors who can highlight these or other central questions from different cultural and linguistic perspectives.

Interested contributors are invited to submit an abstract by the 20th of February 2006.

The abstract should consist of approximately 500 words, and be submitted to:
Ragnar Audunson
Chair, Library Theory and Research Section
Organiser for Division VII 2006 Seoul Programme
E-mail: Ragnar.Audunson@jbi.hio.no