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IFLA Conference

World Library and Information Congress: 73rd IFLA General Conference and Council

"Libraries for the future: Progress, Development and Partnerships"

19-23 August 2007, Durban, South Africa

Spanish translation   Russian translation  

Call for Papers

Classification and Indexing Section

Theme: Partners for subject access to bring libraries and users together

The Classification and Indexing Section will be hosting a two-hour session that will consist of the presentation of four papers.

Programme Theme: "Partners for subject access to bring libraries and users together".

The scope of the programme includes: minority language subject access; bringing user vocabularies into controlled vocabularies and getting users involved with folksonomies and user tagging; providing library instruction to help users with subject access; and cooperative initiatives in Africa.

The IFLA Classification and Indexing Section invites librarians, academics and others involved in research and projects devoted to cooperating with users in designing subject access tools, and to facilitating and extending subject access to library resources to submit proposals for papers on this theme. Papers from African countries would be especially appreciated.

If you are interested in contributing, please send an abstract of 200-300 words in English and relevant biographical information of the author(s) by December 15, 2006 to:

Mrs Leda Bultrini
Coordinator of the Selection Committee
E-mail: ledabul@katamail.com
Fax: +39 06 48 054 226

The submissions will be reviewed by a selection committee of the Classification and Indexing Section Standing Committee. The selection will be based on the abstracts and the authors will be contacted by January 31, 2007.

The full papers are due on April 15, 2007 to allow time for review of papers and preparation of translations. The papers must be original submissions not published elsewhere, and must be no longer than 15 pages double spaced. Papers should be in one of the IFLA languages with a version in English to allow for translation in other IFLA languages. Twenty minutes will be allowed for a summary delivery of each paper at the Classification and Indexing Section's programme.

Please note that the expenses of attending the Durban conference will be the responsibility of the author(s) / presenter(s) of accepted papers. For information on the IFLA Classification and Indexing Section, please see http://archive.ifla.org/VII/s29/index.htm.
For additional information on this call for papers, you may contact Leda Bultrini by e-mail.